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Brain Music Episode 18: Catherine Rising

Brain Music Episode 18: Catherine Rising

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There's no doubt that finding the perfect playlist can motivate and inspire you. Whether it's finishing the last mile of your run, tackling that laundry you've been putting off, or getting you through your workday, tunes can change everything. So let's motivate and inspire each other, shall we?

This is Brain Music: a selection of songs curated monthly by different members of the Rochester community that we hope will inspire you the same way it inspires its curator.

Today we bring you a playlist from local designer and maker Catherine Costanza. Catherine's home goods line, Catherine Rising, can be found online and in shops around the world, including our very own retail wall! Without further ado, Brain Music Episode 18:


Photo by Olivia Bauso

My name is Catherine Costanza. I grew up in Vermont in a small house on Lake Champlain. I studied Painting at Pratt Institute in NYC. I lived and worked in Brooklyn until I moved to Rochester about four years ago. I am a designer and my line is called Catherine Rising. It’s a small collection of home goods- some of which I design and produce in my studio in The Hungerford Building. Other pieces are sourced from local farmers and makers.

Catherine Rising Making product

Photo by Olivia Bauso

I work every day in the Hungerford with studio assistant/wholesale manager Bekah Cunningham. Bekah knows every lyric to every song that plays on the Drake station.  She also shares my love for cheesy 70's hits. Madeline McQueen is our studio intern. Maddi helps with studio tasks. She also keeps me up to date on millennial lingo and local shows. She is a singer songwriter and has the most incredible voice.

Catherine Rising, Bakah Cunninghan, Maddi

Photo by Olivia Bauso

I grew up in a musical household. My dad is a musician, and mom is a true music lover. I have very clear memories of my dad dancing to Leonard Cohen in our living room, and my mom belting the lyrics to Donovan's "Hurdy Gurdy Man" at campfire sing-a-longs.  

Catherine Rising, Bakah Cunninghan, Maddi

Photo by Olivia Bauso

For this month's Brain Music, I made a mix of floral tunes that represents our studio, and will guide us into Spring.



 You can listen to her playlist at this link or right below:



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