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Brain Music Episode 15: Scratch Bakeshop

Brain Music Episode 15: Scratch Bakeshop

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There's no doubt that finding the perfect playlist can motivate and inspire you. Whether it's finishing the last mile of your run, tackling that laundry you've been putting off, or getting you through your workday, tunes can change everything. So let's motivate and inspire each other, shall we?

This is Brain Music: a selection of songs curated monthly by different members of the Rochester community that we hope will inspire you the same way it inspires its curator.

Today we bring you a playlist from Molly and Kate, co-owners of Scratch Bakeshop! Molly has years of professional culinary experience and Kate is a designer with an affinity for food! Without further ado, Brain Music Episode 15:


Kate and Molly - Scratch Bakeshop Intro

Photo by Olivia Bauso

Hi Rochester! We're Kate + Molly, owners and operators of Scratch Bakeshop. In the bakeshop, music is a really big part of our day.


Scratch In Shop

Photo by Olivia Bauso

During our business hours, we always have two different stations playing. One is in the front of house, where we keep things a little bit more calm and what we call "Bakeshop Appropriate," while in the back of house, we tend to be a little bit more free in our music choices.



Photo by Olivia Bauso


Today we bring you a whole new selection of music, all with some sort of play on sweets to get you in the sugary mood this holiday season!

-Kate and Molly


 You can listen to their playlist at this link or right below:
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